Voice Overs Done Right

By |2019-01-27T16:29:36-08:00August 22nd, 2011|Creative, Equipment, Latest Articles, Latest News|

At AVANT we pride ourselves on the quality of our work and the care and attention we give to every project. No where is this more evident than in our meticulous handling of voice over sessions. Recently we recorded voice-overs as part of an ongoing project for a children's educational DVD series. The producers wanted a variety of voices to be represented, male and female, old and young. How young you ask? Joining our regular voice-over talent pool was 9-year-old Olivia, performing her first-ever professional voice-over session.

Orange County Video…as in “The OC”

By |2019-01-27T16:29:37-08:00May 16th, 2011|Creative, Latest Articles, Latest News|

Yes, AVANT is located in Orange County, CA...or shall we say "The OC." Yes, AVANT is located in the heart of Costa Mesa with our green screen studio, multiple video editing bays and high-definition camera. Yet, what does it take to create Orange County video for clients that need a compelling project that is going to shine. Well, let's break things down.... At AVANT we create. At AVANT we connect. At AVANT we define. But, what does that mean for our clients who need a corporate video, non-profit fund raising video or website that can be found on Google? Well, let's break things down even further...

The Creative Process of Video Editing

By |2019-01-27T16:29:37-08:00May 4th, 2011|Creative, Latest Articles, Latest News|

Everyone with a video project they want to bring to life wants to gain in-depth insight into the creative process of post-production - creating polished transitions, fix screen direction errors, edit multi-camera high-definition projects, create fantastic effects and graphics, use filters creatively and composite like a pro. What makes for great video production is often the mostly invisible flow of time and mood. So, the question becomes, what do you want your audience to take away after seeing your non-profit fund raising video, web video or latest corporate training video. Do you want them to be motivated to action? Do you want them to be motivated to click "buy now"? Do you want them to be motivated to open their wallets to donate? Videos can help inspire a multitude of things, yet without good video editing all that we just mentioned is irrelevant.

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