Bringing Still Images to Life

By |2019-01-27T16:29:35-08:00January 11th, 2012|Creative, Latest Articles, Latest News|

It's always fun when a client brings us a challenge: "We have 50 product images, 2 logos, 3 taglines and we need to sell our new product we are launching. Can you make us a video?" Of course we can! We love these kind of projects, and our latest one for the Jorg Gray Watch Collection is going to be a blast. Bring in some great stock music, load all the images up into our video editing system, and let the magic happen. So how do you communicate a product that is worn by President Obama, available in nearly 15 countries, and has the branding of being one of the best crafted watches in the world? For our job, it's always about telling a story. Show don't tell, is what we always remind ourselves. Whether it be a 30 second commercial for a local business, or a high definition production in our green screen studio in Orange County - we are always helping our clients tell a story.

Our Orange County Video Studio

By |2019-01-27T16:29:36-08:00September 27th, 2011|Creative, Latest Articles, Latest News|

You need something filmed? We've got you covered! From our full, wall to floor green screen capabilities. To our full lighting grid and crew to help bring your vision to life. At AVANT, we know it's important for your footage to look good. So, that is why our Orange County video studio is the perfect place for all of your video needs. Just this last week, our clients at The Boxer Law Group needed some video work done for their website. They wanted to bring in the element of one of their lawyers doing a walk on, introduction for visitors coming to the site. So, the perfect solution was to head on over to our green screen facility, set up the teleprompter with their script, and shoot with our high definition cameras to capture a stunning image. But, the process didn't stop there.

The Creative Process of Video Editing

By |2019-01-27T16:29:37-08:00May 4th, 2011|Creative, Latest Articles, Latest News|

Everyone with a video project they want to bring to life wants to gain in-depth insight into the creative process of post-production - creating polished transitions, fix screen direction errors, edit multi-camera high-definition projects, create fantastic effects and graphics, use filters creatively and composite like a pro. What makes for great video production is often the mostly invisible flow of time and mood. So, the question becomes, what do you want your audience to take away after seeing your non-profit fund raising video, web video or latest corporate training video. Do you want them to be motivated to action? Do you want them to be motivated to click "buy now"? Do you want them to be motivated to open their wallets to donate? Videos can help inspire a multitude of things, yet without good video editing all that we just mentioned is irrelevant.

Video Production with a Purpose

By |2019-01-27T16:29:37-08:00April 25th, 2011|Creative, Latest Articles, Latest News|

We love our clients! From national broadcasts to corporate production and non-profit promos, we have a passion to bring our clients projects and ideas to life. Yet, it's always great when a project comes to our Orange County video studio that helps us reflect on our own lives. That's what we get with the monthly green screen shoots we do with Cloud Townsend Resources.

Web MD comes to AVANT

By |2019-01-27T16:29:38-08:00November 5th, 2010|Creative, Latest Articles, Latest News|

Web MD recently came to our green screen studio to finish one of their latest videos for their website. With a team flying in from San Francisco and New York, Web MD found AVANT's Orange County video production facility to be the perfect fit to ensure their project was completely successfully.

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